
What Is Fiction?

The genre of fiction are books that are literary works that are imagined or invented by the author, rather than being based on real events or people. They typically involve the creation of characters, settings, and plots that are fictional and exist solely within the author's imagination. Fiction books encompass a wide range of genres, including but not limited to literary fiction, science fiction, fantasy, romance, mystery, historical fiction, and young adult fiction. These books are designed to entertain, engage the reader's imagination, and explore various themes and ideas through storytelling. Fiction books can be a source of escapism, offering readers a chance to immerse themselves in different worlds and perspectives.

Where Fiction Started

"The Epic of Gilgamesh" is often regarded as one of the earliest works of fiction in human history. It is an ancient Sumerian epic poem that dates back to the 3rd millennium BCE. While it contains elements of mythology and historical accounts, it also incorporates fictional elements and storytelling.

Another early example of a work of fiction is "The Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikibu, written in Japan around the early 11th century. It is considered one of the world's first novels and tells the story of the life and romances of a nobleman named Genji.

It's important to note that the concept of fiction and storytelling has been present in human culture for centuries, and there may be earlier examples that have been lost to time. The definition and understanding of fiction have evolved over time, so pinpointing the very first fiction book can be challenging.

Our Top 25 Fiction Books

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